Where can I find law review articles from the 1950's?


Many older law review articles cannot be accessed on Lexis or Westlaw. One database that has a nice collection of older law reviews is HeinOnline. If you are a law student you can access this database from the library web site (if you are off campus you will be prompted to put in your name and student id #). In the right hand navigation bar, choose Legal Research and then Research Databases. This list is alphabetical so scroll until you see HeinOnline. Once in Hein Online, choose Law Journal Library. You can scroll alphabetically, search by keyword or enter a citation to find an older law review article. If you can't find what you are looking for in HeinOnline it is possible we might have it in print in the library.

  • Last Updated Dec 19, 2018
  • Views 55
  • Answered By Susan Vaughn

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